Login and User Profile Management
  • 04 Nov 2024
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Login and User Profile Management

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This article provides details about CMS Login/Logout, password reset and how to modify user profile.

CMS Login/ Logout

  1. Access the CMS URL provided by Virsec in any browser
  2. Log in using the domain/SSO credentials to view the dashboardVirsecPortal

  1. Enter the URL https://<CMS _IPAddress> in any browserLogin screen
  2. Enter a valid user name and password. Click LOGIN
  3. Users can log out from the current session by expanding the user name at the top right corner on any CMS screen and clicking the Logout option
  4. After three failed login attempts within a span of 15 minutes, the user is automatically blocked for 15 minutes. To log in after 15 minutes, the user is additionally provided a CAPTCHA challenge

Reset CMS Password

VSP provides an option to reset the password through CMS itself. On the login page, click Forgot PasswordAfter confirmation of the Email address, an Email notification is sent to the user with a link to set a new password.
Version 2.8 and Above: Ensure that the password meets the below criteria

  1. Length – 15 characters
  2. Must be different than the current password
  3. Must contain a minimum of one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one digit and a special character
  4. Allowed special characters are: ! ” # $ & ‘ ( ) * , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

Modify User Profile

For custom roles, ensure that the read access for Manage Access > Users section is provided. This allows the users associated with the custom role to modify their user profiles

  1. Click on Profile by expanding the user name displayed at the top right of the CMS page
  2. User profile information related to the logged in user is displayed
  3. Click EDIT PROFILE to edit General Information
  4. Modify the information as required (First Name, Last Name and Phone Number). Click SAVE
  5. Click Edit under System Notification tab to configure System alerts
  6. Modify the below settings
    1. Retention Limit – Select the time duration for System Alerts from 1 day to 90 days
    2. There are three types of System Alerts
      1. Application Alerts – related to Application events
      2. User Alerts – related to user management
      3. VSP Component Alerts – related to VSP Components
    3. The alerts are categorized under three severity levels
      1. Critical
      2. Warning
      3. Info
    4. For each alert type, the severity levels can be selected or turned off completely
    5. The events for each alert type and severity level are listed in the below table
      Alert TypeDescriptionEvents
      Application AlertsCriticalNo Events
      • Provisioning Started
      • Provisioning Failed
      • Provisioning Stopped
      • Provisioning Completed
      • Probe Association to Application
      • Provisioning Started
      • Provisioning Failed
      • Provisioning Stopped
      • Provisioning Completed
      • Probe Association to Application
      • Application Creation
      • Application Deletion
      User AlertsCritical
      • User Account Locked
      • IP Address Blocked
      • User Account Locked
      • IP Address Blocked
      • New User Invited
      • User Deactivated
      • User Deleted
      • User Role Changed
      • User Password Reset
      InfoUser Activated
      VSP Components AlertsCriticalNo Events
      WarningProbe Registration
      InfoProbe Registration
      Host AlertsCriticalNo Events
      • Instance Registration Failed
      • Instance Disconnected
      • New Instance Registration
      • Instance Connected
  7. Modify the setting as required and click SAVE
  8. Select the tab Incident Email Subscription and click Edit to configure Email alerts for incidents
  9. Provide the below information
    1. Email Subscription Status – Enable or Disable as required
    2. Severity – Select Attack and/or Threat
    3. Application(s) – Select all the required Applications from the dropdown
    4. Host(s) – Select all the required Hosts from the dropdown
    5. Category – Select all the required categories – Web Attacks, Fileless Attacks, File Integrity Failures
    6. Type(s) – Select all the required incident types
    7. Digest – Select the frequency of the Email alert
  10. Click SAVE

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