Probe with Proxy Server
  • 12 Apr 2024
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Probe with Proxy Server

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About this Article
This article provides information related to the Probe installation with a Proxy Server associated with SaaS CMS instance. This configuration is preferred in cases where the Probe instances do not have internet connection to communicate with SaaS CMS instance.

Proxy Server Installation

Method 1:

The minimum pre-requisites for CMS Proxy Server installation are:

  1. VM with the below configuration:
    1. Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.9
    2. Minimum Requirements:
      1. 4 CPU Cores
      2. 8 GB RAM
      3. 100 GB Disk Space
      4. Allocate four IPV4 IPs (one Primary and three additional) to the primary interface
        Allocate number of IPs based on number of CMS Kafka broker URL (Ideal configuration is one Primary IP for CMS and the remaining three secondary IPs for Kafka broker connections) 
    3. For more information about VM deployment, refer to the article Deploy OVF Template on ESXi 
    4. Ensure that Docker Version 20.x is installed
      1. To install docker and docker compose, log in to the VM via SSH and execute the commands below:
        sudo su         #switch to administrator
        subscription-manager register --username username --password password -- auto-attach        #register machines with your redhat subscription to download dependencies.
        yum update
        subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms --enable=rhel-7- server-extras-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
        sudo yum install -y latest-7.noarch.rpm
        sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
        sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
        sudo yum install docker-ce
        sudo systemctl enable --now docker.service
        docker version    #verify docker version
    5. Enable internet access (HTTP and TCP traffic)
    6. Enable IPTables rules to route the CMS and Kafka traffic: Log in to the VM via SSH. Configure Iptables rules to route CMS and Kafka traffic using the commands below: 
      sudo su   #switch to administrator
      iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dst <Proxy-VM-IP2> --dport 9194 -j DNAT --to-destination <Proxy-VM-Primary-IP1>:6194
      iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dst <Proxy-VM-IP3> --dport 9194 -j DNAT --to-destination <Proxy-VM-Primary-IP1>:7194
      iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dst <Proxy-VM-IP4> --dport 9194 -j DNAT --to-destination <Proxy-VM-Primary-IP1>:8194
      1. The parameters  Proxy-VM-Primary-IP1, Proxy-VM-IP2, Proxy-VM-IP3, Proxy-VM-IP4 IP are configured during OVF deployment (Click here for more information about OVF deployment)
    7. Deploy and start the Proxy Server using the command:
      docker run --name vsp-proxy -e CMS_DNS=<CMS_Address> -e KAFKA_DNS1=<Kafka_Address1> -e KAFKA_DNS3=<Kafka_Address3> -e KAFKA_DNS2=<Kafka_Address2> -e WORKER_CONNECTIONS=4096 -p 443:443 -p 8194:8194 -p 7194:7194 -p 6194:6194 --restart=always -d
  2. Procure the below information during the Onboarding process:
    1. URLs: “SaaS_CMS_Domain”, “int-SaaS_CMS_Domain”, CMS Kafka broker URL
    2. CMS SuperAdmin credential

Method 2:

  1. Deploy Virsec-provided OVA. For more information about VM deployment, refer to the article Deploy OVF Template on ESXi 
  2. Log in to the deployed VM using the credentials provided by Virsec
  3. Configure the IP addresses in the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens160. There are 4 IP addresses configured in this file. Depending on number of Kafka brokers running on CMS, set up the IP addresses. Ideal configuration is one Primary IP for CMS and the remaining three secondary IPs for Kafka broker connections

    3. Execute the below command to complete the VM setup

    cd /home/virsec
    ./ -h   ## To view the help menu
  4. The accepted parameters are:

    (Required) SaaS CMS IP Address
    (Optional) DNS server to use for DNS resolutions. Default value is


    (Optional) Comma-separated Kafka Broker IPs. Default value is CMS IP Address


    (Optional) LFR IP Address. Default value is CMS IP Address


    (Optional) Number of worker processes for Nginx. Default value is 1


    (Optional) Number of worker connections for Nginx. Default value is 1024

Proxy Architecture

The Proxy server architecture is depicted below:


Communication Matrix

Ensure that the listed firewall rules are established for seamless communication among them. It includes all the ports utilized by VSP components.

  • Client - VSP Probe (Deployed on customer workload)
  • Server - CMS Proxy
  • Client Port - Any
  • Server Port on Internal Subnet - 443, 6194, 7194, 8194, 9194
  • Protocol - TCP

Launch CMS Proxy Docker Container

  1. Log in to the VM using SSH. Launch CMS Proxy Docker Container using the commands:
    sudo su	     #switch to administrator
    docker login
    docker pull<nginx-proxy-container-path>/nginx-proxy:latest
    docker run --name vsp-proxy -e CMS_DNS=int-<SaaS_CMS_Domain> -e KAFKA_DNS1=<Broker1> -e KAFKA_DNS3=<Broker3> -e KAFKA_DNS2=<Broker2> -e WORKER_CONNECTIONS=32768 -p 443:443 -p 8443:8443 -p 8194:8194 -p 7194:7194 -p 6194:6194 --restart=always -d<nginx-proxy-container-path>/nginx-proxy:latest
    1. Sample value for the parameter <nginx-proxy-container-path>:
    2. The values <Broker1>, <Broker2>, <Broker3>  URL  and <SaaS_CMS_Domain_URL> are obtained as part of the Onboarding process
    3. The parameter WORKER_CONNECTIONS is configured to the value 32768 that supports 700 probes
  2. To stop the proxy container, execute the commands:
    docker kill vsp-proxy
    docker rm vsp-prox
  3. Download the required certificates and the VSP wrapper script (for probe installation) using the below commands:
    mkdir -p /home/virsec/temp_dir
    cd /home/virsec/temp_dir
    wget <https://<CMS-Public-Domain>>/rms/download/tenantcerts --user <CMS-USER> --ask-password
    wget <https://<CMS-Public-Domain>>/rms/download/tenantcerts?type=zip --user <CMS-USER> --ask-password
    tar -xvf tenantcerts
    wget  --certificate=./saasClientCert.crt --private-key=./saasPrivateKeyrsa.key --ca-certificate=./saasRootCA.pem <https://int-<CMS-Public-Domain>>/lfr/vsp/
    wget  --certificate=./saasClientCert.crt --private-key=./saasPrivateKeyrsa.key --ca-certificate=./saasRootCA.pem <https://int-<CMS-Public-Domain>>/lfr/vsp/vsp_install_vm.bat
    1. The above commands download the files tenantcerts,,, vsp_install_vm.bat
    2. Transfer these file to probes using any available orchestration mechanisms 
    3. The value for the parameter <CMS-Public-Domain> URL is obtained from the Virsec team after SaaS CMS setup

Probe Installation

Log in to the VM via SSH to install the Probes. 


  1. Install VSP agent using commands:
    sudo su	   ##switch to administrator
    mkdir /tmp/vspfiles
  2. Download the files tenantcerts (generated in the previous section) and to probe
    cp tenantcerts /tmp/vspfiles
    cd   /tmp/vspfiles
    chmod +x
    ./ -c <Proxy-VM-Primary-IP1> -C int-<SaaS_CMS_Domain> -s <sku> -T /tmp/vspfiles/tenantcerts -k <Proxy-VM-IP2>,<Proxy-VM-IP3>,<Proxy-VM-IP3> -K <Borker1>,<Brokr2>,<Broker3> -m 1 -r 1

    -c <Proxy-VM-Primary-IP1>Proxy VM IP Address
    -C <SaaS_CMS_Domain>CMS SaaS domain
    -k <Kafka Proxy VM IP Addresses>Comma-separated Proxy VM IP Addresses
    -K <Kafka Broker URLs>Comma-separated Kafka broker URLs

  3.  The options, used in the above command, add entries to the file /etc/hosts in the Probe machine for the URLS provided along with -C and -K options. It is added to resolve the IP addresses provided using the parameters -c and -k
  4. The parameters Proxy-VM-Primary-IP1, Proxy-VM-IP2, Proxy-VM-IP3, Proxy-VM-IP4 IP are configured during OVF deployment (Click here for more information about OVF deployment)
  5. The value for the parameter <SaaS_CMS_Domain> URL is obtained during the Onboarding process
  6. Do not use the parameter "-H 0" if proxy enablement is required


  1. Login As Administrator
  2. Download the files (generated in the previous section) and vsp_install_vm.bat to probe machine
    vsp_install_vm.bat -c <Proxy-VM-Primary-IP1> -C int-<SaaS_CMS_Domain> -s <sku> -T %FileLocation%\ -k <Proxy-VM-IP2>,<Proxy-VM-IP3>,<Proxy-VM-IP3> -K <Borker1>,<Brokr2>,<Broker3> -m 1 -r 1

    -c <Proxy-VM-Primary-IP1>Proxy VM IP Address
    -C <SaaS_CMS_Domain>CMS SaaS domain
    -k <Kafka Proxy VM IP Addresses>Comma-separated Proxy VM IP Addresses
    -K <Kafka Broker URLs>Comma-separated Kafka broker URLs

  3. The above options add entries to the file /etc/hosts in the Probe machine for the URLS provided along with in -C and -K options. It is added to resolve the IP addresses provided using the parameters -c and -k
  4. The parameters Proxy-VM-Primary-IP1, Proxy-VM-IP2, Proxy-VM-IP3, Proxy-VM-IP4 IP are configured during OVF deployment (Click here for more information about OVF deployment)
  5. The value for the parameter <SaaS_CMS_Domain> URL is obtained during the Onboarding process
  6. Do not use the parameter "-H 0" if proxy enablement is required

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