Release Notes 2.9
  • 27 Oct 2023
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Release Notes 2.9

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Article summary

Release Date


What's new in 2.9?

Compatibility Enhancements:

  1. VSP now provides support to Ubuntu 22. Refer to the Compatibility Guide for more information

Web Enhancements:

  1. Business Application upgrade does not require any manual step for VSP provisioning. This is to ensure that the VSP configuration or the application environment is not affected in any way

Management Console Enhancements:

  1. Management Console provides a public API that allows the users to gather logs and other relevant configuration files from probes deployed on remote hosts from a centralized location. This aids in troubleshooting encountered errors
  2. While exporting the Probe list from Console, if the checkbox - 'Show Archived Nodes' is not selected, Archived probes are not exported
  3. VSP now provides support to Splunk with SSL enabled or disabled. By default, SSL is enabled.

Host Enhancements:

  1. Publisher (Windows) or Package (Linux) names are now included as part of Incidents and Allowlist. In the Allowlist, the information on whether the publisher/package is allowed or not is also displayed
  2. While creating a Host Profile/Template, the default entries in the exclusion list are displayed on Management Console. This is to let the user know the default exclusion list. It is recommended not to modify or delete these entries so as to ensure proper VSP functioning
  3. Trusted Publisher/Package feature is now applicable for scripts associated with them 

Memory Enhancements

  1. While creating a Host Profile/Template, the default entries in the exclusion list are displayed on CMS. This is to let the user know the default exclusion list. It is recommended not to modify or delete these entries so as to ensure proper VSP functioning


Defect IDDescription
Scan Error is displayed when VSP services are restarted during the scan phase, after the maintenance mode is stopped
FSM does not support file extension exclusions with "-" (dash)
The library generates incidents after addition to the global allowlist exclusion list
SUPP-882Unable to send email to the customer's help desk
VSP 2.5.0 - High CPU Usage noticed after VSP services are started on Windows 2019 server
Probes that are registered with 2.7.2 CMS failed to upgrade from 2.4.2 to 2.7.2
VSP Probe 2.7.1 Upgrade created issues on IIS Web servers
SUPP-905Re-installation/Uninstallation of password protected Windows 2.7.2 Probe fails via IBM BigFix
SUPP-907Applications are blocked after Probes are upgraded from 2.7.0 to 2.7.2 in Protect Mode
SUPP-910Probe 2.7.2 installation failed with error "193: %1 is not a valid Win32 application"
SUPP-914Login fails after provisioning the Application Checkmarx
VSP 2.7.0 - Windows Strict ACP rule for "wmic.exe" generates incidents without Parent Process information

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