  • 08 Sep 2023
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Article summary

About this Article
This article provides VSP application instrumentation steps for Tomcat application server and provides steps to determine the values of deployment folder and start-up script path required during application configuration on CMS.

Variables %CATALINA_HOME% and $CATALINA_HOME used throughout this article refer to the root directory where Tomcat Application Server is installed in Windows and Linux operating systems respectively. Some sample values are provided below:

  • %CATALINA_HOME% - D:\tomcat-7.0.85\
  • $CATALINA_HOME - /opt/tomcat-7.0.85/


Auto Instrumentation

  1. Application Deployment Folder
    1. Log in to the Virtual Machine where Tomcat is installed
    2. Utilize the below path as Application Deployment Folder
    3. Example:D:\tomcat-7.0.85\webapps
  2. Startup Script File Path
    1. Provide the below path as Startup Script File Path
    2. Example:D:\tomcat-7.0.85\bin\setEnv.bat

Manual Instrumentation

Supported Windows Version: The following configuration is tested on Windows 2016 Operating System. To manually configure Tomcat Server with VSP, follow the steps below:

Method 1: Script based startup:

  1. Shut down Tomcat Server (if it is running) using the command:
  2. Create a file setEnv.bat in the directory %CATALINA_HOME%\bin. Add content below to the file. Ensure that <AppCollectiveID> mentioned below is replaced with the App Collective ID in the CMS Application Configuration section
    @echo off
    ECHO.%JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS%| FIND /I "instrumentation.jar">Nul || (
    set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=%JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS% -javaagent:"%VSP_HOME_WEB_MEM%"\iae-java\instrumentation.jar -Dvirsec_appcontextpath=<AppCollectiveID>
  3. Save the modified file setEnv.bat
  4. Start the Tomcat Server using the command:

Method 2: Tomcat Services based Startup:

  1. If the Tomcat Server is running, shut down the server using Windows Services
    Example Service Name:Apache_Tomcat-7
  2. Navigate to the directory: %CATALINA_HOME%\bin
  3. Open command prompt
  4. Right-click on properties and procure the value of Service Name
  5. Edit the parameters of the service:
    1. In the Java tab, modify the parameters, Java Options to add the Service Name (obtained in Step 4)
    2. Add VSP JVM argument to Java Options as described below. Ensure that <AppCollectiveID> mentioned below is replaced with the App Collective ID in the CMS Application Configuration section
      Before Modification:
      After Modifications:
  6. Start the Tomcat Server using Windows Services 
    Example Service Name: Apache_Tomcat-7


Auto Instrumentation

  1. Application Deployment Folder
    1. Log in to the Virtual Machine where Tomcat is installed
    2. Utilize the below path as Application Deployment Folder
    3. Example:/opt/tomcat-7.0.85/webapps
  2. Startup Script File Path
    1. Provide the below path as Startup Script File Path
    2. Example:/opt/tomcat-7.0.85/bin/

Manual Instrumentation

Supported Linux Version: The following configuration is tested on RHEL 7.5 Operating System. To manually configure Tomcat Server with VSP, follow the steps below:

  1. Shut down the Tomcat Server (if it is running) using the script
  2. Create a file in the directory $CATALINA_HOME/bin. Add the below content to the file. Ensure that <AppCollectiveID> mentioned above is replaced with the App Collective ID in the CMS Application Configuration section
  3.  Start the Tomcat Server using any one of the below methods:
    1. Method 1: Using Startup Script
    2. Method 2: Using init service:
      1. Example: systemctl start <tomcat-service-name>
      2. A sample tomcat.service script is provided below. Verify that the variable WorkingDirectory is present. If it is not, add it as depicted below:
        # Systemd unit file for tomcat
        Description=Apache Tomcat Web Application Container
        Environment='CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms512M -Xmx1024M -server -XX:+UseParallelGC'
        ExecStop=/bin/kill -15 $MAINPID

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