Probe Troubleshooting
  • 12 Apr 2024
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Probe Troubleshooting

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Article summary

About this Article
This article lists the common issues encountered in Probe, their possible causes and recommended work around.

Procure VSP Information from Library or DLL File

Version 2.11 and AboveTo procure information related to VSP from a library or DLL file:

  1. Right-click on the file and click Properties
  2. Navigate to the Details tab to view the VSP version and build date

Probe unable to connect with CMS

Symptom: Probe is unable to connect with CMS with the error “Certificate verify failed” 

Possible Cause: Time on the Probe server might be wrong 

Recommended Actions: Ensure that the current time is updated on the server manually or using an NTP server

Attach to Running Container

  1. Log in to the worker node where the application pod is deployed
  2. Execute the below command to procure the runtime hash of the application container and sidecar container
    docker ps | grep <deployment_name>
  3. Execute the below command to attach to the running container
    docker exec -it <runtime_hash> /bin/sh

Gather VSP logs for debugging

Utilize the logging scripts to create set debug mode for all components and create a zip/tar file comprising all the VSP-related log files.

  1. Windows
    cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Virsec\scripts
    ./vsp_logs.bat -h    # For Help Menu
  2. Linux
    cd /opt/virsec/scripts
    ./ -h    # For Help Menu
  3. Below table shows available logging scripts parameters
    -dOptionalSet debug mode for all components
    -xOptionalProvide the password if the probe is password-protected
    -tOptionalGet the tar file and reset the log levels to the previous state
    Options to be utilized only with parameter -t
    -lOptionalLocation of the zip/tar file. The default values are C:\ProgramData\Virsec (Windows) and /var/virsec (Linux)
    -sOptionalTo collect system events logs and application logs along with VSP logs
    -4OptionalTo obfuscate IPv4 Addresses in the input log file
    -6OptionalTo obfuscate IPv6 Addresses in the input log file
    -iOptionalTo obfuscate hostname in the input log file
    -r <regex_file>OptionalTo use a file with regular expression for obfuscation
    -eOptionalTo encrypt objects that match a pattern
    -p <password>OptionalTo configure password for encryption

Common Commands

  1. Start/List the VSP Services:
    1. Windows:
      sc start vsp
    2. Linux:
      service vsp start
  2. Confirm the status of the VSP services using:
    vsp-cli list [--pids]
  3. Stop all the VSP Services
    1. Windows: (Provide the password once prompted only if password is set)
      vsp-cli stop all
    2. Linux:
      service vsp stop
  4. Restart the VSP Service
    1. Windows: (Provide the password once prompted only if password is set)
      vsp-cli restart all
    2. Linux:
      service vsp restart

VSP-Cli Usage

The VSP-cli tool is used to interact with VSP probe instance. It has a rich set of functionalities that enable a standardized interface to the VSP probe. This section describes the tool usage

  1. Query or modification of VSP configuration or services is only through VSP-cli
  2. VSP-cli can be executed only by users with admin (Windows) OR root (Linux) privileges 
  3. If password protection is not enabled, all users with admin/root privileges can modify the parameters

VSP-Cli Help Menu

  1. Access the help menu using the below command:
    vsp-cli -h
  2. Each subcommand also has its own help menu. A sample command is given below:
    vsp-cli list -h

View/Edit VSP Service Configuration

  1. View the configuration values of any service using:
    vsp-cli config <service name> view [--options]
    1. Example:vsp-cli config HMM view [--options]
  2. Edit the existing configuration values using:
    vsp-cli config <service name> edit logLevel Debug
    1. Example: vsp-cli config HMM edit logLevel Debug
While specifying any directory, ensure that “\” is provided with proper escape characters. Example: Provide the value as D:\\\\myApp to specify the directory: D:\\myApp

Log file Locations

  1. Execute the below command to view the log file location
    vsp-cli log <service name> location
    1. Example: vsp-cli log HMM location
  2. Below command is to export and save the logs
    vsp-cli log <service name> export ./logs.tar.gz
    1. Example: vsp-cli log HMM export ./logs.tar.gz

Password Reset

  1. Execute the below command to check whether password is set
    vsp-cli check-password
    1. Output: true (password is set)/ false (password is not set)
  2. Reset the password using one of the options below:
    1. Provide the old and new password when prompted:
      vsp-cli reset-password
    2. Provide the old and new password as arguments:
      vsp-cli reset-password -o <current password> -p <new password>

Debugging VSP-cli

To debug any errors with VSP-cli utility, execute the below command to obtain more information:

vsp-cli --debug list
  1. Scenario:VSP-cli returns the below output

    "Unable to obtain file lock for
    "Unable to find valid VSP service list"

    1. Recommended Workaround:

      Delete the file /opt/virsec/config/vsp_service_list.json.lock and execute VSP-cli command as required

VSP-Manager Service

The VSP-manager service is the primary VSP process that manages the rest of the VSP probe services. The VSP-manager log provides detailed information regarding any errors encountered during the process lifetime. This section covers some common errors encountered.

VSP-Manager to VSP Kafka Connection Failures

The root cause for the failures can be:

  1. The CMS instance was not deployed with the “-x” option:
    1. This option exposes the internal Kafka server to external connections
    2. Without this option, a VM VSP probe instance is not able to connect to a kubernetes-based CMS instance
  2. The environmental variable VSP_KAFKA_HOSTNAME_ENVis not configured with the right value
    1. Using the VSP installer, ensure that an appropriate value of VSP Kafka IP is provided to the parameter “-k <kafka_server_ip>”. This is used to update the hosts file on the Probe instance
    2. Additionally, ensure that the terminal used to execute the below command has the environmental variable VSP_KAFKA_HOSTNAME_ENV defined
      service vsp start
    3. The sample log entries for the error is provided below:

VSP Service Boot Failure

  1. Upon reboot, VSP-manager boots any VSP service that has the value “boot” for the “trigger” value in the configuration file: $VSP_HOME/config/vsp_service_list.json
  2. If any of these VSP services fails to boot, VSP-manager logs it
  3. Recommended Action:
    1. Manually start the process with the same command shown in the VSP-manager log. If there is any output printed to stdout/stderr, attach it as a part of the report that is sent to Virsec
    2. Check the VSP service log to get more information. The service log location can be obtained using:
      vsp-cli log <VSP service> location

VSP-Watchdog Failure

If there are errors related to starting the VSP-watchdog service, parallel instances of the VSP probe may be running. To confirm the actual cause, follow the below steps:

  1. Linux:
    1. Execute the below command to determine if there are VSP services running
      ps aux –forest 
    2. If the services are running, execute the below commands:
      [sudo] pkill -9 vsp-manager
      [sudo] pkill -9 vsp-watchdog
      [sudo] pkill -9 vIPC-server
      [sudo] pkill -9 hmm
    3. Kill any other VSP service using the same command
  2. Windows:
    1. Access the Task Manager to determine if VSP services are running. If the services are running, stop them using the Task Manager
  3. After ensuring that all VSP services are stopped:
    1. Delete the file: $VSP_VAR_HOME/vsp_state/vsp_process.pkl
    2. Restart all VSP services


vIPC-Server is responsible for handling all the communication between VSP services through shared memory.  

The vIPC Framework enables inter-process communication among all the VSP services via the VSP-vIPC client libraries. The vIPC-Server log provides information regarding the VSP services that have started. By default, the vIPC Framework enables statistics that are largely helpful in determining any vIPC errors.

This section covers some common errors encountered.

vIPC_init() Failures

  1. Review the vIPC-Server log to determine if the vIPC-Server received the initialization attempt by the VSP component
  2. If it is received, the vIPC-server logs any errors faced during the initialization phase
  3. If it is not received, the error has occurred in the upstream components

vIPC_send() Failures

  1. Each vIPC-Client library is capable of logging its own statistics in the VSP stats directory - /vspstats (Linux) and R:\\vspstats (Windows)
  2. The statistics can be enabled via the VSP component that is using the vIPC client library
  3. It provides information about the error, the number of successful messages sent and received

Windows (2008 R2) Patch for Probe Installation

  1. Windows Patch: Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB4474419)is a pre-requisite for VSP Probe installation on Windows 2008 R2. If the patch is not installed, the below error is encountered during Probe installation:

    VSP requires the following Windows 2008 patch to be installed. Please install patch and try again.

    ......................... PREREQUISITE .................................

    Apply following Windows patch before installation or look for Windows Patch KB4474419"


Windows 2003

In Windows Server 2003, there may be valid Microsoft files that have to be manually whitelisted even though it may have a valid publisher. If any publisher trust issues are encountered, follow the below steps to resolve them:

  1. Right-click on the untrusted executable or the library and click Properties
  2. Navigate to the tab Digital Signatures
  3. Select the signature displayed in the list. Click Details. It may take a few minutes for the pop-up window to be displayed. The error information is displayed on the pop-up window
  4. Scenario 1: 
    1. Error Message:The integrity of the certificate that signed this file cannot be guaranteed
    2. Possible Cause:  The host is missing the Knowledge Patch that adds SHA2 support
    3. Recommended Action: This file must be allowlisted on CMS manually. Alternatively, the Knowledge Base Patch can be installed. Follow the steps in SHA-2 Certificates section
  5. Scenario 2:
    1. Error Message: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust publisher
    2. Possible Cause:  We need to add the root certificate of this executable
    3. Recommended Action:  Follow the steps in Root Certificate Addition section
  6. Scenario 3: 
    1. Error Message: This digital signature is OK (But, the publisher is not listed in VSP) 
    2. Possible Cause:  The root certificate is installed in the wrong store
    3. Recommended Action:  Follow the steps in Certificate Installed in Wrong Store section 
  7. Scenario 4: 
    1. Error Message: The certificate may be corrupted or may have been altered 
    2. Possible Cause:  Windows Server 2003 does not natively support SHA2 certificates. Microsoft has deprecated the signing of SHA1 Root certificates a few years ago. So, for newer executables that are signed with SHA2, Windows Server 2003 cannot authenticate unless there is a Knowledge Base patch installed on the Server.
    3. Recommended Action:  Follow the steps in SHA-2 Certificates section

SHA-2 Certificates

  1. Execute the below Command:
    wmic qfe list full /format:table | findstr /i "3072630"
  2.  If the command output is similar to the screenshot above, the security patch update that adds SHA2 certificate support is installed on the host. Without this update, any executable that has SHA2 certificate (Including Virsec Systems executables) will have to be manually added to the whitelist in CMS
  3. If the output does not list anything, install the update:
    1. Access the link:
    2. For a 64-bit machine, download and install Security Update for Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition
    3. For a 32-bit machine, download and install Security Update for Windows Server 2003

Root Certificate Addition

  1. To add the root certificate of an executable, in the same screen that shows the error message, click View Certificate
  2. DO NOT CLICK Install Certificate. Navigate to Certification Path
  3. In the Certificate Path screen, click on the certificate that has the Red X symbol on it or the root certificate. Click View Certificate
  4. The error message displayed is: This CA Root certificate is not trusted. To enable trust, install this certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store
  5. The default store used by Certificate Import Wizard is the Local User’s certificate store. To change this, click Place all certificates in the following store > BrowseDO NOT CLICK Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate
  6. Click Install Certificate
  7. On the Select the Certificate Store pop-up window, select the checkbox Show physical stores. Expand the folder Trusted Root Certificate Authorities. Select Local Computer
    1. The path for the Certificate store now displays Trusted Root Certification Authorities\Local Computer
  8. Click Next > Finish. This installs the certificate into the computer’s certificate store

Certificate Installed in Wrong Store

Follow the steps below in cases where certificate is installed in a wrong store

  1. Press Start+R and type mmc. Press the return key (Enter)
  2. Console1 pop-up window is displayed. Navigate to File > Add/Remove Snap-in..
  3. In the new pop-up, click Add > Certificates > Add > My user account > Finish
  4. While the highlighted text is still on Certificates, click Add again
  5. Click Computer account > Finish > Finish
  6. Click Close > OK
  7. The Console Root now shows both Certificates - Current User and Certificates (Local Computer)
  8. Navigate to Certificates > Current User > Trusted Root Certification Authority > Certificates
  9. This is the list of all the certificates installed under Current User. Find the required certificate. Right-click on the certificate and press Copy
  10. Right-click on the folder Certificates (Local Computer) > Trusted Root Certification > Authority/CertificatesClick Paste

RHEL 6.5/6.6 Upgrade to RHEL 6.7+ Issue

Symptom: When RHEL version 6.5/6.6 is upgraded to RHEL version 6.7 or above with VSP installed, it fails with the error "`GLIBCXX_<Version>' not found"

Possible Cause:  This is due to the non availability of the required glibc version after the upgrade

Recommended Actions: Follow the below steps:

  1. Uninstall VSP using CPM or scripts
  2. Upgrade the RHEL version
  3. Install VSP again

Unable to download installer script

Symptom: Unable to download the installer scripts during Probe installation. wget command fails with the below errorwGetCommandFailure(1)

Possible Cause: The file /etc/hosts is not updated for CMS

Recommended Actions: Add the entry using the below command and retry installer script download

echo “<CMS_IP_Address>” >> /etc/hosts

Probe Installation Failure

Symptom: Probe Installation fails with the below error:

2024-02-12 08:24:42.211660 |     Result of ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Virsec\bin\vsp-configure.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Virsec\config\vsp_probe.cfg""

2024-02-12 08:24:42.212398 | Error, couldn't decode attached data.

2024-02-12 08:24:42.213269 |     Response Code of ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Virsec\bin\vsp-configure.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Virsec\config\vsp_probe.cfg""

Possible Cause: vcredist package must be installed before VSP Probe installation. This error occurs if this package installation is not complete.

Recommended Actions: Restart the Probe instance and retry installation

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