CMS Troubleshooting
  • 09 Nov 2023
  • 7 Minutes to read
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CMS Troubleshooting

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Article summary

About this Article
This article lists the common issues encountered in CMS, their possible causes and recommended work around.

Common Commands


  1. Move to the directory containing CMS-related scripts using the below command:
    cd <CMS_Installation_Directory>/docker-compose-files
  2. Execute the below command to view the status of CMS Services
  3. Execute the below command to start the CMS Services
  4. Execute the below command to stop the CMS Services


  1. Execute the below command to verify the CMS Pods
    kubectl get pod –n virsec
  2. Execute the below command to verify the CMS Services
    kubectl get svc -n virsec
  3. Execute the below command to verify the status all deployments and replicas
    kubectl get all -n virsec

Error During CMS Installation

Symptom: ERROR: Failed to run command encountered during CMS installation on hardened OVA 

Recommended Actions: Do not use “sudo” with any script executed during CMS installation

  1. Wrong Usage Example:
    1. sudo ./ -f small -k 0 <CMS_IP_ADDRESS>
  2. Correct Usage Example:
    1. sudo bash
    2. ./ -f small -k 0 <CMS_IP_ADDRESS>

Unable to download latest script for installation

Symptom: Unable to download the latest script used for installation. An error of incorrect path may also be displayed 

Possible Cause: Browser used to access LFR may download previously cached files 

Recommended Actions: Ensure that the cache is cleared from the browser or utilize the Incognito mode

Unable to log into CMS UI after installation

Symptom: Unable to log into CMS after installation

Possible Causes: The worker node with the Authentication service pod installed is not in the same time zone OR time as the Master Node.

Recommended Actions: Change the time zone or time of the worker node to that of the Master Node.

  1. Execute the command below to check the time zone
  2. If there is a time zone difference between the master and the worker nodes, execute the below commands:
    timedatectl set-timezone <Timezone>  #To modify the Time Zone
    systemctl restart systemd-timedated.service # To restart the timedate service
  3. If there is a time difference between the master and the worker nodes, execute the below commands:
    timedatectl set-time hh:mm:ss    #To modify the time
    systemctl restart systemd-timedated.service  #To restart the timedate service

Unable to access CMS after upgrade

Symptom: After a VSP CMS upgrade, user is unable to access CMS. Error 400 is displayed on the browser 

Possible Causes: User was logged in during CMS upgrade process 

Recommended Actions: Ensure that the cookies are cleared from the browser

Provisioning Fails after CMS Upgrade

Symptom: Provisioning fails after VSP CMS Upgrade 

Possible Causes: CMS takes time to start completely during the upgrade since it takes time to download the required images in the background 

Recommended Actions: Stop and start CMS after every upgrade to overcome the delay caused by images download

Services vsp-cms-reports and vsp-jreports in Pending status

Symptom: Services vsp-cms-reports and vsp-jreports are in Pending status after Upgrade

Recommended Actions: Follow the steps below:

  1. Check the statuses of the services jreports-content-claim and jreports-database-claimusing the commands below:
    kubectl get pvc -n virsec | grep jreport
    kubectl get pv -n virsec | grep jreport
  2. Delete both the JReports  using the below commands:
    ./ -p   #To stop the Optional Services
    kubectl delete pvc jreports-content-claim -n virsec
    kubectl delete pvc jreports-database-claim -n virsec
    kubectl delete pv jreports-content -n virsec
    kubectl delete pv jreports-database -n virsec
    kubectl get pvc -n virsec | grep jreport    #To verify the status
    kubectl get pv -n virsec | grep jreport
    ./ -o   # To start the Optional Services

Generated Reports URL displays error 404

Symptom: Generated Reports URL on CMS displays error 404. 

Possible Cause: JReports container not launched in the same worker node as the Client service (NGINX) in the On-prem Kubernetes environment. 

Recommended Actions: Make sure that the JReports pod is launched in the same worker node as the Client service pod using the Node selector.

Report Template Not Found error in CMS

Symptom: The error, Report template not found is displayed in CMS while scheduling a report

Possible Cause: The report template may not be refreshed 

Recommended Actions: Ensure that the template is refreshed using the REFRESH REPORTS option  by expanding Report Settings after navigating to Administration > Configurations in left navigation pane of CMS

Report Server Connection error in CMS

Symptom: The error, Unable to connect to the Report Server is displayed in CMS while scheduling a report

Possible Cause: Occurrence of SQL connectivity error in the JReports Server

Recommended Actions: Execute the below commands:

  1. Verify the logs for the Connection error using the command:
    docker ps | grep jreport   #To procure Container id
    docker logs -f <containerid>
  2. If the above exception is noticed in the logs, restart the server using the command:
    docker restart <containerid>

Optional Services not available on CMS

Symptom: Optional Services (like report, ticket-zendesk, organization) are not available after CMS upgrade and Mongo DB restart 

Possible Cause: The running status of the optional services are maintained as flags in a MongoDB collection.  These flags are reset to false during Mongo DB restart to modify the service flags to their initial state. Subsequent start of services during CMS start updates the flags to the right state 

Recommended Actions: Restart the reports service using the below commands:

  1. Execute the below commands to note the Container IDs
    docker ps | grep report
    docker ps | grep ticket-zendesk-service
    docker ps | grep organization-service
  2. Execute the below command to restart reports service
    docker restart <containerids>

Stale Licenses Exception Encountered

Symptom: Not able to acquire VSP licenses with the Provision service logs displaying Stale Licenses exception

Possible Cause: The Trust store is corrupted 

Recommended Actions: Restart the Provision service container using the commands:

docker ps | grep provisioning-service  #To procure Container ID
docker restart <provision-service-containerid>

Feature Not Found Exception Encountered

 Symptom: Not able to acquire VSP licenses with the Provision service logs displaying Feature Not Found exception

Possible Cause: The Trust store is corrupted 

Recommended Actions: Restart the Provision service container using the commands:

docker ps | grep provisioning-service
docker restart <provision-service-containerid>

On-prem License Server Error

Symptom: On-prem license server displays the below error while uploading the file cparquest.bin

Recommended Actions:

  1.  Execute the commands below to resolve the issue
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-cms.yaml -f docker-compose-cms-optional.yaml stop licenseserver
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-cms.yaml -f docker-compose-cms-optional.yaml rm -f licenseserver
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-cms.yaml -f docker-compose-cms-optional.yaml up --no-start licenseserver
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-cms.yaml -f docker-compose-cms-optional.yaml start licenseserver
  2. Generate and upload the file cparquest.bin

On-prem License Server Data lost

Symptom: Existing license information is lost from On-prem License server in VM CMS and On-prem Kubernetes environment. This occurs after license server container restart or CMS upgrade. It impacts Application provision process and VSP-Host mode enablement

Possible Causes: On-prem license server does not persist the license data. Hence the data is lost.

Recommended Actions: Licensing needs to be re-enabled in the On-prem license server

Cloud License Server not Reachable from Worker Node 

Symptom: Cloud License Server is not reachable from Worker Node using the ping command

Possible Causes: This is due to DNS resolution issues

Recommended Actions: Resolve the DNS issue by working with Customer IT support team. Once the CLS host ( is reachable from worker node, restart the provision service container.

CMS Installation takes Long Duration

Symptom: CMS Installation is not progressing for long duration 

Possible Causes: Disc space is not available on the Worker node 

Recommended Actions: On Worker node execute the commands below:

  1. To determine /var partition size:
    df -h
  2. If /var partition size is more:
    1. Delete the unused Docker images
    2. Remove the messages using the below command:
      rm -rf /var/log/messages/*

Probe unable to Connect to CMS

Symptom: Probe is unable to connect to CMS. Probe is in disconnected state due to the error “502 Bad Gateway“ 

Possible Causes: The service cms-client is not responding 

Recommended Actions: Restart the service cms-client using the command:

docker restart <cms-client service container id>

CMS Pods in Pending status

Symptom: CMS Pods are in pending state after the AWS worker node is restarted

kubectl get pod -n virsec

Possible Causes: This can occur when the worker node spans across AWS regions and there are no worker nodes in the same availability zone where the earlier storage classes were created 

Recommended Actions: Follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to the Client Machine and modify the file: <CMS_Directory>/infra/vsp_mongo_pvc.yaml
    1. Uncomment the lines in the StorageClass section
    2. Add the correct values in values section. Replace the region us-east-1c with appropriate values
  2. Execute the commands below:
    echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables
    echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

CMS Pods in CrashLoopBackOff error

Symptom: CMS Pods are in CrashLoopBackOff error

Possible Causes: The worker node may be restarted. Execute the below command to check the values of the iptables flags. The values are 0 or 1

cat /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Recommended Actions: 

  1. Execute the below commands:
    echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables
    echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  2. Restart CMS

OutOfMemoryError while listing Kafka Topics

Symptom: When Secure Kafka Mode is set to “1” OR “2”, OutOfMemoryError is encountered while listing Kafka topics using the below command in the directory: /opt/kafka/bin

./ --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9093

Possible Cause: It is a known issue with the Kafka Client

Recommended Actions: Execute the command below to list the Kafka topics in the directory: /opt/kafka/bin

./ --zookeeper –list

Debugging Kafka Topics

This section provides commands for general Kafka Topic debugging:

  1. Execute the command below to navigate to the Kafka bin directory:
    cd /opt/kafka/bin
  2. Execute the below command to list any pending messages:
    ./ --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 #To Procure Group Name kafka.admin.ConsumerGroupCommand --group <Group_Name> --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe
    1. The column “LAG” indicates the pending messages in the topic
    2. Example:  The command for Process Monitoring related incidents: kafka.admin.ConsumerGroupCommand --group PROCESS-MONITORING-SERVICE_9de241f5-62e9-415d-85da-2cfe0a35af4b --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe
  3. To list the Kafka topics, utilize the commands below:
    1. Secure Kafka Option "0" (Only for Version 2.7
      ./ --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
    2. Secure Kafka Option "1" or "2"
      ./ zookeeper –list

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