Probe Uninstallation
  • 08 Sep 2023
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Probe Uninstallation

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About this Article
This article provides steps to uninstall VSP Probe using Script or MSI installer(only for Windows).


To uninstall the VSP Probe, execute the below command:

./ -U

Windows using Script

To uninstall the VSP Probe, execute the below command:

./vsp_install_vm.bat -U

Windows using MSI Installer

Uninstallation Logs Location

Logs related to the uninstallation are placed in these locations:

  1. Pre-Uninstallation Operation Log - C:\vsp_installer.log 
  2. Uninstallation operation Log - C:\vspuninstall_ca.log  

Quiet Uninstallation

  1. Uninstall the Probe using the command:
    1. If VSP is NOT password protected:
      start /wait msiexec /x {3CF3C0DE-6435-478A-8055-E3531837FCC1} /quiet /qn /norestart /l*v c:\vsp_installermsi.log
    2. If VSP is password protected:
      start /wait msiexec /x {3CF3C0DE-6435-478A-8055-E3531837FCC1} /quiet /qn /norestart VSP_CLI_PASSWORD="<vsp_password>" /l*v c:\vsp_installermsi.log
      1. VSP_CLI_PASSWORD - (Not applicable for Windows 2003) Specify the password
      2. VERBOSE - To print Verbose information. Allowed values are 0 (INFO level), 1 (DEBUG level) and 2 (TRACE level). Default Value: 0; Example: VERBOSE=1
  2. Verify the uninstallation using the command:

UI-based Uninstallation

To Uninstall VSP Probe follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Control Panel > Programs > Program Files
  2. Right-click Virsec Security Platform and click Uninstall

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