  • 11 Sep 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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About this Article
This article provides VSP application instrumentation steps for Oracle WebLogic 12c and provides the steps to determine the values of deployment folder and start-up dcript path required during application configuration on CMS.

Variables %WEBLOGIC_HOME% and $WEBLOGIC_HOME used throughout this article refer to the root directory where WebLogic Server is installed in Windows and Linux operating systems respectively. Some sample values are provided below:

  • %WEBLOGIC_HOME% - D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home
  • $WEBLOGIC_HOME - /opt/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home



If the WebLogic Console is not accessible, use the below commands to start it:

  1. At the command prompt, execute the below command as Administrator
  2. Log in to WebLogic Console with valid credentials

Auto Instrumentation

This section describes the steps involved when Auto-Instrumentation method is opted for Probe installation

In cluster or domain mode, all the processes in the cluster are instrumented if auto instrumentation is enabled
  1. Log in to WebLogic Console with valid credentials
  2. Select the application to be instrumented from the list:
    1. Navigate to Domain Structure > Deployments > <Application Name> in the left navigation pane
    2. Click on the required Application in the right panel
  3. Associated JVM Instance 
    1. Navigate to Domain Structure > Deployments > <Application Name> in the left navigation pane
    2. Click Targets in the right pane for JVM information
  4. Application Deployment Folder:
    1. Log in to the WebLogic host
    2. Navigate to the directory: %WEBLOGIC_HOME%\user_projects\domains\<application_domain>\servers\<Managed Server Name>\stage
    3. Example: D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\Virsec-Inst1\stage
  5. Start Up Script File Path:
    1. Log in to the WebLogic host
    2. Navigate to the directory:  %WEBLOGIC_HOME%\user_projects\domains\<application_domain>\bin\startNodeManager.cmd
    3. Example: D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\startNodeManager.cmd

Manual Instrumentation

This section describes the steps involved when Auto-Instrumentation method is not possible for Probe installation. (Cluster Mode Deployment)

  1. Log in to WebLogic Console with valid credentials
  2. Navigate to Domain Structure > Machines > <Machine Name> in the left navigation pane
  3. Navigate to Monitoring > Node Manager Status in the left navigation pane
  4. Verify whether the Node Manager is running
    Node Manager is used to start/stop the targeted WebLogic Instance from WebLogic Admin console
  5. If the Node Manager status is inactive, use the below command to start it on the Virtual Machine where WebLogic is installed

IAE-Java Instrumentation

  1. Navigate to Environment > Servers > Control > <application_instance> in the left navigation pane
    1. If the Instance is running, Click Shutdown > Force Shutdown Now to stop the instance
  2. Navigate to Environment > Servers > Summary of Servers > Server > Server Start tab
  3. Provide the below values in Arguments field. Ensure that <AppCollectiveID> mentioned below is replaced with the App Collective ID in the CMS Application Configuration section
    -javaagent:c:\PROGRA~2\Virsec\virsec-web-mem\iae-java\instrumentation.jar -Dvirsec_appcontextpath=<App.CollectiveID>
    1. Click Lock & Edit on the top left panel to enable the field
  4. Click Activate Changes
  5. Navigate to Environment > Servers > Control. Select the Probe and click Start to start the WebLogic Instance
  6. Application Deployment Folder:
    1. Log in to the WebLogic host
    2. Navigate to the directory: %WEBLOGIC_HOME%\user_projects\domains\<application_domain>\servers\<Managed Server Name>\stage
    3. Example: D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\Virsec-Inst1\stage
  7. Start Up Script File Path:
    1. As the VSP-JVM arguments are configured manually, create a dummy file and provide the file path as Start Up Script File Path in the CMS



If the WebLogic Console is not accessible, start it using the below commands:

  1. At the command prompt, execute the below command as Administrator 
  2. Log in to WebLogic Console with valid credentials

Auto Instrumentation

This section describes the steps involved when Auto-Instrumentation method is opted for Probe installation

In cluster or domain mode, all the processes in the cluster are instrumented if auto instrumentation is enabled
  1. Log in to WebLogic Console with valid credentials
  2. Select the application to be instrumented from the list:
    1. Navigate to Domain Structure > Deployments > <Application Name> in the left navigation pane
    2. Click on the required Application in the right panel
  3. Associated JVM Instance 
    1. Navigate to Domain Structure > Deployments > <Application Name> in the left navigation pane
    2. Click Targets in the right pane for JVM information
  4. Application Deployment Folder:
    1. Log in to the WebLogic host
    2. Navigate to the directory: $WEBLOGIC_HOME/user_projects/domains/<application_domain>/servers/<Managed Server Name>/stage
    3. Example: /opt/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/Virsec-Inst1/stage
  5. Start Up Script File Path:
    1. Log in to the WebLogic host
    2. Navigate to the directory: $WEBLOGIC_HOME/user_projects/domains/<application_domain>/bin/startNodeManager.sh
    3. Example: /opt/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin/startNodeManager.sh

Manual Instrumentation

This section describes the steps involved when Auto-Instrumentation method is not possible for Probe installation. (Cluster Mode Deployment)

  1. Log in to WebLogic Console with valid credentials
  2. Navigate to Domain Structure > Machines > <Machine Name> in the left navigation pane
  3. Navigate to Monitoring > Node Manager Status in the left navigation pane
  4. Verify whether the Node Manager is running
    Node Manager is used to start/stop the targeted WebLogic Instance from WebLogic Admin console
  5. If the Node Manager status is inactive, use the below command to start it on the Virtual Machine where WebLogic is installed

IAE-Java Instrumentation

  1. Navigate to Environment > Servers > Control > <application_instance> in the left navigation pane
    1. If the Instance is running, Click Shutdown > Force Shutdown Now to stop the instance
  2. Navigate to Environment > Servers > Summary of Servers > Server > Server Start tab
  3. Provide the below values in Arguments field. Ensure that <AppCollectiveID> mentioned below is replaced with the App Collective ID in the CMS Application Configuration section
    -javaagent:/opt/virsec-web-mem/iae-java/instrumentation.jar -Dvirsec_appcontextpath=<AppCollectiveID> 
    1. Click Lock & Edit on the top left panel to enable the field
  4. Click Activate Changes
  5. Navigate to Environment > Servers > Control. Select the Probe and click Start to start the WebLogic Instance
  6. Application Deployment Folder:
    1. Log in to the WebLogic host
    2. Navigate to the directory: $WEBLOGIC_HOME/user_projects/domains/<application_domain>/servers/<Managed Server Name>/stage
    3. Example: /opt/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/Virsec-Inst1/stage
  7. Start Up Script File Path:
    1. As the VSP-JVM arguments are configured manually, create a dummy file and provide the file path as Start Up Script File Path in the CMS

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